Debra Prinzing

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The Shed Odyssey

August 27th, 2007

On location in Atlanta

On location in Atlanta in early July — a hot, humid summer day after photographing our 34th location.


We’re done, we’re done, we’re done!!! As of today, when I finished writing the dedication and acknowledgements, the manuscript for Stylish Sheds and Elegant Hideaways is complete (oh, except for 200-plus photo credits, but who’s counting?).

This book project has been so fulfilling, so inspiring and motivating as Bill Wright and I have journeyed around the country to find, photograph and interview owners, designers, architects, builders, artists and shed aficionados.  We can’t have enough of it!

The book has finally been listed for advanced sales on Random House’s web site, so it feels real. That we’re still in design and editing is a mere hurdle to overcome.

Now, what I really want to do is finish moving into my house. The one that I’ve neglected for a full year. The one with white walls, no hung artwork and bare windows. Oh, and the “inherited” garden that’s been somewhat neglected. But that’s another chapter: figuring out how to grow plants in SoCal’s dry, hot climate.

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