Debra Prinzing

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Our first review

May 1st, 2008

Melanie Munk, features editor of The Herald, a daily newspaper in Everett, Washington, is one of the very best editors for whom I ever had the privilege to work. She was also the first person to “go for it” when I pitched an article idea on beautiful backyard sheds.

I wrote about her role in shaping the concept for this book in the opening lines of our Acknowledgements:

“The roots of Stylish Sheds and Elegant Hideaways date to 2000, when Melanie Munk, features editor at The Herald in Everett, Washington, liked my article idea about sophisticated garden sheds and published it as ‘Shed Chic’ in the newspaper’s Home & Garden section.”

So it is very fitting, and makes me so pleased, to see the first review of Stylish Sheds appear in today’s Herald Home & Garden section.

Here’s an excerpt:

Don’t be fooled by the word shed: There are some rustic reclaimed huts filled with antiques, sentimental possessions and comfy old chairs. But there are some spectacular examples of modern design, roofless outdoor rooms and glass extravaganzas built over special pools.

Tackling the hideaways one at a time, Prinzing describes them in mouth-watering detail and sketches out the missions, must-haves, inspiration, challenges and solutions for each. The inspiration comes from the scope and the variety, the reassurance from the controlled size of most. You can picture yourself taking on and completing such a project.

Thanks to you, Melanie, for always encouraging and supporting my ideas. Or most of them, at least. I was so lucky to work for you as you launched and created a wonderful, must-read, home and garden section!

My collaborator, Bill Wright, and I are in Austin, Texas preparing to tape a segment for “Central Texas Gardener,” with host Tom Spencer, on PBS affiliate KLRU-TV. Then we have a couple of Texas-sized book parties, and a signing at Big Red Sun, a hot gardening emporium (pun intended). Stay tuned!


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